Monday, July 23, 2007

Dhirubhai's descendant's dull daily diet

I just got the complete details on what Anil Ambani gets to eat everyday.

Apparently, he gets up at 5.00 am, jogs till 6.30 am, and begins his day with a banana and some cereals washed down with protein milk at 8,00 am, At lunchtime, he gets to be a little hungry and so indulges in some sprouts, a cup of dhal and two chappatis . He repeats the same menu for dinner. He goes to bed at 10.30 pm sharp.

What’s the point in accumulating all that wealth amounting to Rs 50000 crores, if all you get to eat are some meagre sprouts and an uninviting banana? Can someone explain?


Anonymous said...

just to extend ur alliteration further.........
Dhirubhai's direct decendant's drearily dull daily diet


Philip said...

Would you be kind enough to find out Mukesh Ambani's diet and share with us.

Looking at his size, i believe there should be a difference. Then, maybe we can come to a conclusion about Dhirubhai's descendants.

Anonymous said...

I suppose he intends to pass all the wealth to his 7*n pushte..!! I mean down.. 7 * n generations!!!!
( n tends to infinity!) :D

Anonymous said...

Legend has it that during an early AGM, a Reliance shareholder remarked that he isn't worried about the company's health, but about the health of the people who run the company. Anil bhai, you see, was once fat, very fat. I am not sure how much of the legend is urban though!

PS: A relatively insignificant aside: when you have a former actress for a wife, you better watch your scales!

- Shankar
[Do enjoy your "conversations"]

Usha said...

hey I think he eats like to compensate for all those fancy things he must be having at the parties.
Secondly I think if he ate a nice elai sappadu for every meal he would not be unnecessarily running after crores.He would know that you need very little for your satisfaction.

Raj said...

puneet, brilliant man!

philip, doosra descendant diets differently.

ashu, some generation has got to start eating normal food.....

anon shankar : the actress wife is not exactly underweight.

usha, yes, that's what Wodehouse said about Gandhi. That if only he is fed well, he will forget all about non-cooperation

dipali said...

Hmmm. I think I'd rather be reasonably well-off:)

Raj said...

Dipali, you will prefer dipali's delicious diet?